
Object reference
» Recipient » MailMerge » Attachment » Recipients » Message » Headers

JMail 4.4
    About : String
    Attachments : Pointer
    Body : String
    BodyText : String
    Charset : String
    ContentTransferEncoding : String
    ContentType : String
    Date : Date
    DeferredDelivery : Date
    Encoding : String
    EncryptAttachments : Boolean
    ErrorCode : Integer
    ErrorMessage : String
    ErrorSource : String
    From : String
    FromName : String
    Headers : Pointer
    HTMLBody : String
    ISOEncodeHeaders : Boolean
    Log : String
    Logging : Boolean
    MailData : String
    MailDomain : String
    MailServerPassWord : String
    MailServerUserName : String
    MimeVersion : String
    MsPickupdirectory : String
    PGPEncrypt : Boolean
    PGPPassphrase : String
    PGPSign : Boolean
    PGPSignkey : String
    Priority : Byte
    Recipients : Pointer
    RecipientsString : String
    ReplyTo : String
    ReturnReceipt : Boolean
    Silent : Boolean
    SimpleLayout : Boolean
    Size : Integer
    Subject : String
    Text : String
    UsePipelining : Boolean
    Version : String
    AddAttachment(FileName, isInline, ContentType ) : String
    AddCustomAttachment(FileName, Data, isInline ) : String
    AddHeader(XHeader, Value ) : 
    AddNativeHeader(Header, Value ) : 
    AddRecipient(emailAddress, recipientName, PGPKey ) : 
    AddRecipientBCC(emailAddress, PGPKey ) : 
    AddRecipientCC(emailAddress, recipientName, PGPKey ) : 
    AddURLAttachment(bstrURL, bstrAttachAs, isInline, bstrAuth ) : String
    AppendBodyFromFile(FileName ) : 
    AppendHTML(Text ) : 
    AppendText(Text ) : 
    Clear() : 
    ClearAttachments() : 
    ClearCustomHeaders() : 
    ClearRecipients() : 
    Close() : 
    DecodeHeader(Header ) : String
    ExtractEmailAddressesFromURL(bstrURL, bstrAuth ) : 
    GetMessageBodyFromURL(bstrURL, bstrAuth ) : 
    KeyInformation(keyIdentifier ) : Pointer
    LoadFromStream(Stream ) : 
    LogCustomMessage(Message ) : 
    nq() : 
    ParseMessage(MessageSource ) : 
    SaveToStream(Stream ) : 
    Send(mailServer, enque ) : Boolean
    SendToNewsGroup(ServerName, Newsgroups ) : 
    VerifyKeys(keyString ) : Boolean


  About() : 
Some useful information.
'Response.Write( Message.About )'
  Attachments() : 
Returns the Attachments collection.
'set attachments = Message.Attachments'
  Body() : 
Returns the body of the message.
'Response.Write( Message.Body )/pMessage.Body = "Hello world!"'
  BodyText() : 
Returns the entire raw unparsed body ( Text - Headers.Text ).
'Response.Write( Message.BodyText )'
  Charset() : 
The charset of the message. The default is "8859-1".
'Message.Charset = "US-ASCII"'
  ContentTransferEncoding() : 
Specifies the content transfer encoding. The default is "Quoted-Printable".
'Message.ContentTransferEncoding = "base64"'
  ContentType() : 
Returns the body's Content Type.
'Response.Write( Message.ContentType )'
  Date() : 
Returns the DateTime when the message was sent.
'Response.Write( Message.Date )'
  DeferredDelivery() : 
Sets deferred delivery of messages. If the mail server supports it the message will not be delivered until this date and time.
'Message.DeferredDelivery = CDate( "2000-12-12" )'
  Encoding() : 
This can be used to change the default attachment encoding from base64. Valid options are "base64" or "quoted-printable".
'Message.Encoding = "base64"'
  EncryptAttachments() : 
Set to TRUE all attachments will be encrypted too if encryption is enabled.The default value is TRUE.
'Message.EncryptAttachments = true'
  ErrorCode() : 
Contains the error code if message.silent is set to TRUE.
'Response.Write( message.ErrorCode );'
  ErrorMessage() : 
Contains the error message if message.silent is set to TRUE.
'Response.Write( message.ErrorMessage );'
  ErrorSource() : 
Contains the error source if message.silent is set to TRUE.
'Response.Write( message.ErrorSource );'
  From() : 
The senders e-mail address.
'Response.Write( Message.From )/pMessage.From = "kyle@twinpeaks.com"'
  FromName() : 
The sender's name.
'Response.Write( Message.FromName )/pMessage.FromName = "John Doe"'
  Headers() : 
Returns the Headers object.
'set Headers = Message.Headers'
  HTMLBody() : 
Used to set and get the HTML part of the message body (if any).
'Message.HTMLBody = "<html><body>Hello<br></body></html>"'
  ISOEncodeHeaders() : 
Encodes header strings according to iso-8859-1 character sets. The default is TRUE.
'Message.ISOEncodeHeaders = false'
  Log() : 
This is the log created by w3 JMail when logging is set to TRUE.
'Response.Write( Message.Log );'
  Logging() : 
Enables/Disables logging in w3 JMail.
'Message.Logging = true'
  MailData() : 
The raw maildata as the email will look like when it is delivered.
'Response.write( Message.MailData )'
  MailDomain() : 
This can be used to override the EHLO/HELO statement to your mail server.
'Message.Maildomain = "hello.world.com"'
  MailServerPassWord() : 
Used to specify the password for SMTP server authentication if the mail-server requires a user to log in.
'Message.MailServerPassword = "myPassword"'
  MailServerUserName() : 
Used to specify the username for SMTP server authentication if the mail-server requires a user to log in.
'Message.MailServerUserName = "myUserName"'
  MimeVersion() : 
Specifies the mime version. The default is "1.0".
'Message.MimeVersion = "1.0"'
  MsPickupdirectory() : 
The path to the pickup directory of MS SMTP service. If you run MS windows 2000, w3 JMail will autodetect the path from registry settings.
'Message.MsPickupdirectory = "c:\myfolder"'
  PGPEncrypt() : 
Set to TRUE, the e-mail will be encrypted when the message is sent, using PGP.
'Message.PGPEncrypt = true'
  PGPPassphrase() : 
The PGP passphrase used when signing.
'Message.PGPPassPhrase = true'
  PGPSign() : 
Set to TRUE, the e-mail will be signed when the message is sent, using PGP.
'Message.PGPSign = true'
  PGPSignkey() : 
An e-mail address or a PGP key id identifying the key to be used for signing.
'Message.PGPSingKey = "charlie@hisdomain.com"'
  Priority() : 
Returns the Message's priority. 3 is normal priority.
'Response.Write( Message.Priority )/pMessage.priority= 2'
  Recipients() : 
Returns the Recipients collection.
'set recipients = Message.Recipients'
  RecipientsString() : 
Readonly property of all recipients of this message.
'Response.Write( Message.Recipients )'
  ReplyTo() : 
Specifies an optional reply address.
'Message.ReplyTo = "president@dimac.net"'
  ReturnReceipt() : 
Specifies whether or not the sender requires a return receipt. The default value of the property is FALSE.
'Message.ReturnReceipt = true'
  Silent() : 
Set to true, w3 JMail will not throw exceptions. Instead Message.send() will return TRUE or FALSE depending on the success of the operation.
'Message.silent = true'
  SimpleLayout() : 
Set to TRUE to reduce the number of headers w3 JMail produces.
'JMail.SimpleLayout = true'
  Size() : 
Returns the total size of the message in bytes.
'Response.Write( Message.Size )'
  Subject() : 
the subject of the message.
'Response.Write( Message.Subject )/pMessage.subject = "w3 JMail rocks!"'
  Text() : 
Returns the entire message source.
'Response.Write( Message.Text )'
  UsePipelining() : 
Overrides if w3 JMail should use pipelining on a server that supports it.
'Message.Pipelining = false'
  Version() : 
Returns version information.
'Response.Write( Message.Version )'


  AddAttachment(FileName, isInline, ContentType) : 
Adds a file attachment to the message. If Inline is set to TRUE, the attachment will be added as an inline attachment and addAttachment() returns the content id. This is only useful when sending HTML emails.
= Message.AddAttachment("myImage.gif", TRUE)'
  AddCustomAttachment(FileName, Data, isInline) : 
Adds a custom attachment. This can be used to attach "virtual files" like a generated text string or certificate etc. If Inline is set to TRUE, the attachment will be added as an inline attachment and addAttachment() returns the content id. This is only useful when sending HTML emails.
'Message.AddCustomAttachment("readme.txt", "Contents of file")'
  AddHeader(XHeader, Value) : 
Adds a user defined X-header to the message.
'Message.AddHeader "Originating-IP",""'
  AddNativeHeader(Header, Value) : 
Adds a header to the message
'Message.AddNativeHeader "MTA-Settings", "route"'
  AddRecipient(emailAddress, recipientName, PGPKey) : 
Adds a recipient to the message.
'JMail.AddRecipient "info@dimac.net"'
  AddRecipientBCC(emailAddress, PGPKey) : 
Adds a blind carbon copy recipient to the message. AddRecipientBCC can be used multiple times for several recipients. RecipientName and PGPKey are optional. PGPKey will default to the e-mail address value.
'Message.AddRecipientBCC "info@dimac.net"'
  AddRecipientCC(emailAddress, recipientName, PGPKey) : 
Adds a carbon copy recipient to the message. AddRecipientCC can be used multiple times for several recipients. RecipientName and PGPKey are optional. PGPKey will default to the e-mailaddress value.
'Message.AddRecipientCC "info@dimac.net"'
  AddURLAttachment(bstrURL, bstrAttachAs, isInline, bstrAuth) : 
Downloads and adds an attachment based on a URL. A seconds argument, "AttachAs", is used for specifying the filename that the attachment will receive in the message. If Inline is set to TRUE, the attachment will be added as an inline attachment and addAttachment returns the content id. This is useful when sending HTML e-mails. A last and optional argument is used for optional WWW-Authentication.
("http://download.dimac.net/jmail/w3jmail4.exe", "w3jmail4.exe",false,
"myUserName:myPassword")/pcid = Message.AddURLAttachment
("http://images.dimac.net/dimaclogo.gif", "dimaclogo.gif",true)'
  AppendBodyFromFile(FileName) : 
Clears the body of the message and replaces it with the contents of the file.
'Message.AppendBodyFromFile "c:\mytext.txt"'
  AppendHTML(Text) : 
Append "text" to HTMLBody of message.
  AppendText(Text) : 
Append "text" to body.
'JMail.AppendText "Text appended to message body"'
  Clear() : 
Clears the message object and gives you a new clean message.
  ClearAttachments() : 
Clears the list of attachments.
  ClearCustomHeaders() : 
Clears all custom headers.
  ClearRecipients() : 
Clears the recipient list.
  Close() : 
Forces w3 JMail to close a cached connection to a mail server.
  DecodeHeader(Header) : 
Decodes a message header.
'Response.Write( Message.DecodeHeader( Headers["ReplyTo"] ) )'
  ExtractEmailAddressesFromURL(bstrURL, bstrAuth) : 
Downloads and adds e-mail addresses from a URL.
'Message.ExtractEmailAddressesFromURL "http://duplo.org/generateEmailList.asp"'
  GetMessageBodyFromURL(bstrURL, bstrAuth) : 
Clears the body of the message and replaces it with the contents of the URL. The content type is automaticly set to match the content type of the URL. The second argument (login and password) is optional.
'Message.GetMessageBodyFromURL "http://duplo.org/", "login:password"'
  KeyInformation(keyIdentifier) : 
Returns a PGPKey object holding information for the keys matching the supplied identifier.
' keys = Message.KeyInformation("charlie@hisdomain.com")'
  LoadFromStream(Stream) : 
Loads a message from a stream. Note the stream data must be compatible with the message format described in RFC822.
'Message.LoadFromStream myStream'
  LogCustomMessage(Message) : 
Logs a custom user message to the w3 JMail log. This function works ONLY if logging is set to TRUE.
'Message.LogCustomMessage "Hello world"'
  nq() : 
Append the e-mail to the mail queue.
  ParseMessage(MessageSource) : 
Parses a message. MessageSource must be compatible with the message format described in RFC822.
'Message.ParseMessage myHeaders & vbCrLf & myBody'
  SaveToStream(Stream) : 
Saves the message source ( RFC822 compatible message ) to a stream.
'Message.SaveToStream myStream'
  Send(mailServer, enque) : 
Sends the message. Mailserver is a string with one or more hostnames separated by a semicolon. A username and password can also be provided for each server in the format username:password@myhost.mydomain.com.
'Message.Send( "myMailServer" )/pMessage.
  SendToNewsGroup(ServerName, Newsgroups) : 
Sends the message to Newsgroups (separated by a ",") using the NNTP server specified.
'SendToNewsGroup myNNTPServer, "alt.test, alt.test.test"'
  VerifyKeys(keyString) : 
Returns TRUE if ALL the supplied keys where found in the local keyring.
'JMail.VerifyKeys "recipient1@hisdomain.com,recipient2@hisdomain.com